Polish Poultry Production Doubled in Last Ten Years
POLAND - In the last 10 years Polish poultry production doubled and reached 2.2 million MT in 2014, as it became one of the most important poultry producers in the EU, according to a recent report from the USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).The higher output of poultry meat has been stimulated by growing domestic consumption and export demand.
Domestic consumers have been replacing other meats, including their favoured pork products, with chicken as it is perceived as healthier and cheaper. Poultry meat consumption was almost four per cent higher in 2014 than 2013, rising to 27.5 kilograms per capita.The report forecast that in 2015 poultry consumption will increase by additional 2 percent because of higher production and reduced supplies of pork.
Turkey and chicken meat are mainly produced for domestic consumers, whilst ducks and geese are produced mainly for export to more Western EU countries such as Germany.
In 2014 Polish poultry production amounted to 2,190,000 MT and was 10 per cent higher than in the previous year. Polish poultry meat production has been rising since EU accession in 2004.
2015 poultry production is expected to continue to increase through 2015, the report predicts, as feed price decreases help to stimulate production. Polish poultry feed is based mainly on home-grown maize (corn) and imported soybeans from South America.
Exports are expected to continue to grow in 2015 as EU and Asian demand grows further, but imports are expected to remain stable.
Although the majority of poultry meat exports are directed to the internal EU market the industry and the Polish government are trying to open new markets including obtaining eligibility to export to the United States. The report says that Polish exporters of poultry meat realise that the majority of their products will not be competitive on the US market because of their higher prices, so they will probably focus on exports of processed poultry products like sausages, pates and other ready to eat products.