Global Poultry Trends: Look Back on This Year's Market Analysis
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - Look back on all the features published in our Global Poultry Trends series this year. Written by industry analyst Terry Evans, the articles discuss the production, trade and consumption trends of poultry meat and eggs by continent.EUROPE - Meat
1. Poultry Expands its Share of World Meat Uptake
2. Poultry Accounts for 40 Per Cent of World Meat Trade
3. Chicken Production Outside the EU is Much Faster Than Within
ASIA - Meat
1. Wealth Distribution Key to Chicken Consumption Growth
2. Asia, a Key Chicken Meat Trading Region
3. Asia Accounts for a Third of Chicken Meat Output
GLOBAL - Geese and ducks
2. Asia Dominates Duck Production
1. Egg Consumption in Africa and Oceania Below the Global Average
2. Little Egg Trade in Africa and Oceania
3. Strong Growth in Egg Output Recorded in Africa and Oceania
GLOBAL - Turkey
1. Individuals Eat Less Turkey
2. Turkey Trade Tops Million Tonnes
3. Costs, Disease, and Lower Demand Hit Turkey Growth
ASIA - Eggs
1. Population Growth to Slow in Asia
2. Asia’s Shell Egg Trade Expands
3. Rapid Growth in Asia’s Egg Output
1. Europe’s Population Set to Decline
2. Europe Dominates World Egg Trade
3. Slow Growth for European Egg Sector
1. Egg Consumption Continues to Grow in Americas
2. Americas Egg Exports More Than Double
3. Americas Supply One-fifth of World's Eggs
1. Growth in Chicken Consumption in Americas Slows