Cobb recognises top Canadian performers
Cobb-Vantress recently awarded Canada’s top poultry producers for maximising the genetic potential of the company’s breeding stock in overall and individual flock categories.The top Cobb500™ breeder performance award went to Banford Breeders Ltd. in British Columbia for achieving the most total eggs per hen housed, and Synergy Agri Group in Nova Scotia for obtaining the most total chicks per hen housed.
The Canadian awards program began in 2012 to recognise customers maximising the genetic potential of the company’s breeding stock in overall and individual flock categories.
“To win an award like this takes a whole team and it means a lot of things have gone right,” said Joe Neels, winning grower with Banford Breeders. “Thanks to Cobb for getting us the good chicks to start the whole process and for the insightful technical support along the way. We’ve been blessed with great help on the farm and good support from our partners.”
The full list of Canadian winners include:
Banford Breeders Ltd. – Joe Neels, a Sofina-Lilydale grower in British Columbia, received the Top Individual Cobb500™ Breeder Performance award ranked on most total eggs per hen housed, adjusted to 65 weeks of age. Banford Breeders had the top flock across all of Canada with 187.29 total eggs per hen housed. A Cobb customer since 2011, this is the first win for Sofina-Lilydale and Joe Neels. The team has much to celebrate as 2018 also marks its 25th anniversary as hatching egg producers.
Synergy Agri Group – Located in Nova Scotia, the company received the Top Cobb500™ Breeder Performance award ranked on most total chicks per hen housed adjusted to 65 weeks of age. Synergy Agri Group averaged 147.97 chicks per hen housed on all of its flocks. A Cobb customer since 2005, this is the fourth time that Synergy has won this award. In addition, its flock at Barn #6 won the Top Individual Cobb500™ Fast Feather Flock award for most chicks, averaging 155.14 chicks per hen housed. This is Synergy’s third win in this individual flock category.
Boire & Frères Inc. – Lef 3&4 were presented with the Top Individual Cobb500™ Slow Feather Flock award for most chicks produced. Located in Quebec, this flock produced 151.05 chicks per hen housed adjusted to 65 weeks of age. This is Boire & Frères’ fifth award in this category.
“Both Synergy and Boire have shown through their multiple awards that consistent management and attention to detail leads to excellent results,” said David Engel, Cobb-Vantress technical service representative for eastern Canada.