Hong Kong reverses ban on Brazil’s Aurora
The Hong Kong Executive has lifted a temporary ban on poultry imports from a plant operated by Brazil’s Central Cooperativa Aurora.Reuters reports that the ban was lifted after tests proved that there was no risk of contamination by COVID-19 in meat produced at the plant.
According to a statement from Brazilian meat industry lobby ABPA, the ban was lifted on Friday 28 August by Hong Kong's food safety and health authorities after the Brazilian government provided all assurances that the products are safe.
Aurora confirmed the lifting of the ban, which concerned its chicken plant in the town of Xaxim, state of Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil.
Hong Kong suspended chicken imports from that Aurora facility on 17 August. The move was announced after the Chinese city of Shenzhen detected the virus' genetic material on chicken wings and packages originated there.
That discovery led Aurora, Brazil's third largest chicken and poultry producer, to voluntarily suspended poultry exports to China from that plant. That self-imposed ban remains in place, an Aurora spokesman said.