US NFU slams Trump administration for refusing to pass COVID-19 relief
The National Farmers Union President Rob Larew warns that stalling pandemic relief until after the election puts millions at risk of food and economic insecurity.Though millions of Americans are enduring unemployment, food insecurity, the possibility of eviction, and other hardships because of the pandemic, President Donald Trump indicated that he would not consider another stimulus package until after the election.
Out of concern for hungry Americans, struggling rural communities, and a battered food chain, National Farmers Union (NFU) has repeatedly urged the administration to provide relief to those who have been affected. In a statement, NFU President Rob Larew rebuked President Trump’s decision and urged him to reconsider.

“Millions of Americans of all stripes are suffering right now. Many don’t have jobs, can’t pay their bills, and don’t know how they’ll put food on their families’ tables. Meanwhile, family-owned farms and businesses, rural hospitals, the Postal Service, and other critical services and infrastructure are fighting just to stay afloat. President Trump’s decision to hold essential relief hostage is an affront to hard-working Americans and their communities in their time of need.
“If President Trump doesn’t reconsider this ill-advised plan, he could unnecessarily doom countless businesses to permanently close, prolong the economic recovery process, cause families to lose their homes, and worsen the food insecurity crisis. This is not a partisan issue – it’s not about blue states or red states, or the upcoming election. Americans need help, and they need it now. Quite simply, he must reverse course and work with Congress to preserve our economy and the wellbeing of every American.”