Brazil chicken meat exports grow 4.2% in May

The result is the second best of the year, fifth largest in history
calendar icon 11 June 2024
clock icon 2 minute read

Brazilian exports of chicken meat totalled 451,000 tons in May, according to a recent market report from the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA). The number exceeds by 4.2% the total shipped in the same period last year, with 433.3 thousand tons.

In the same period, sales of chicken meat generated revenue of US$818.7 million, a balance 5.6% lower than the total recorded in the same period last year, with US$867.4 million.

Considering the period between January and May, shipments of chicken meat reached 2,152 million tons, a number 1.4% lower than that recorded in the same period of 2023, with 2,183 million tons. The revenue generated by exports in the first five months of the year totalled US$3,842 billion, a balance 10.2% lower than the total shipped in the same period of 2023, with US$4,281 billion.

Still analyzing the May shipments, Paraná followed as the main exporter, with 198.9 thousand tons, a number 11.2% higher than recorded in the same period last year. Next are Santa Catarina, with 89.6 thousand tons (+2.2%) and Rio Grande do Sul which, in view of the logistical impacts caused by the May floods, recorded a drop of 11.4% in shipments of the month, with a total of 56.4 thousand tones. São Paulo, with 25.4 thousand tons (+4.9%) and Goiás, with 22.9 thousand tons (+15.4%) complete the ranking of the five largest exporting states.

"The May result was the second largest of the year and the fifth in the monthly history of chicken meat exports," said Ricardo Santin, president of ABPA. "It is an important indication of the pace of exports of the year, which should maintain levels above 430,000 tons per month. Unfortunately, the sad adversities that occurred in Rio Grande do Sul also left their mark on the flow of exports from the state."

In the ranking of the main destinations, China leads with 49.8 thousand tonnes imported in May, a volume 23.6% lower than the total recorded in the same period last year. Next are the United Arab Emirates, with 39.6 thousand tons (+22.2%), Saudi Arabia, with 37.5 thousand tons (+31.2%), Japan, with 32.2 thousand tons (-15.4%), South Africa, with 32.1 thousand tons ( +12.6%), Iraq, with 24 thousand tons (+35.5%) and Mexico, with 20.5 thousand tons (+96.3%).

"Brazil has strengthened its position as the largest global supplier of halal chicken meat, with strong increases in sales to the Middle East and North African nations, such as Libya and recently opened Algeria," said Luís Rua, director of markets of ABPA. "It is also necessary to highlight other countries on the African continent, with the return of the Brazilian presence in markets with growth potential in the coming months."

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