IPPE: Orka launches the all-in-one Egg Tester Ultimate
Orka Food Technology introduces its newest innovation The Egg Tester UltimatePart of Series:
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At IPPE in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Eli Oren, CEO of Orka Food Technology, announced the launch of a new device called the Egg Tester Ultimate, a combination of three testing devices into an all-in-one product with new, unique features.

The Egg Tester Ultimate electronically measures and calculates egg weight, albumen height, yolk color, Haugh unit, USDA grade, eggshell strength and eggshell thickness with one unit. Plus, it includes a built-in printer and a compartment for the transportation of the thickness gauge to protect it while transporting the product.
Unique to this device is the inline self-calibration, so there’s no need to ever send the device back to the factory to recalibrate.
“Compared to other devices in the market, including our own Egg Analyzer, customers must send it every year to the factory to recalibrate to ensure accuracy. This takes time and costs money, but that is unnecessary with the Egg Tester Ultimate due to its automatic calibration,” said Oren. “Another unique feature is the addition of Wi-Fi connectivity. We now have two ways of communication; all the data can be downloaded to a PC with either a cable or Wi-Fi wireless communication.”
In addition, the new device features a larger 3.5-inch graphic color screen that shows data results in real time. For example, it shows the actual color of the yolk as it’s tested. Plus, it provides more information to the user that ever before, offering measured and calculated values that add confidence in the machine and the highly accurate results it’s delivering.
Josh Yoshida, head of marketing at Orka, said the ideal customers for this new all-in-one product are grading and packing companies, facilities or egg producers, academic institutions and research institutions.
“We also see a lot of feed companies buy our products and then use them with their customers to show the effectiveness of their products,” said Yoshida. “They often buy our testers for their sales teams to use as well as buying them for their customers to use on-site so they can continuously monitor their egg quality.”
Orka Food Technology is committed to providing the most accurate and reliable product for the egg testing device industry.
“Since 2004, we have responded to the needs of the industry for innovative, labor-saving high-quality devices to measure eqq quality,” said Oren. “We did it earlier with the EggAnalyzer, Egg Force Reader and the Wireless Egg Node, and we will continue to research and develop highly accurate egg testing equipment to help the global poultry industry monitor and improve egg quality.”
To learn more about the Orka’s full line of products, including the Egg Tester Ultimate, go to www. eggtester.com to connect with Eli Oren and Josh Yoshida. They can provide more information for interested customers around the globe.